Hydration Centre

The Essential Role of Water and Electrolytes in Preventing Dehydration

The Essential Role of Water and Electrolytes in...

Introduction Intense physical activity, exposure to heat, or severe illness can quickly lead to dehydration. Staying hydrated by drinking fluids with electrolytes is crucial to prevent this. Here's what you...

The Essential Role of Water and Electrolytes in...

Introduction Intense physical activity, exposure to heat, or severe illness can quickly lead to dehydration. Staying hydrated by drinking fluids with electrolytes is crucial to prevent this. Here's what you...

The-Hydration-Connection-Between-Urine-Colour-and-Your-Body ION8

The Hydration Connection Between Urine Colour a...

Lets explore the science behind urine colour, hydration, and what it can indicate about your body’s health.

The Hydration Connection Between Urine Colour a...

Lets explore the science behind urine colour, hydration, and what it can indicate about your body’s health.

From-Performance-to-Health-How-Water-Outshines-Sports-Drinks-Every-Time ION8

From Performance to Health: How Water Outshines...

Sports drinks have long been marketed as the best option for hydration, but are they really better than water?

From Performance to Health: How Water Outshines...

Sports drinks have long been marketed as the best option for hydration, but are they really better than water?

ION8-Tips-for-Optimal-Hydration-and-Health ION8

ION8 Tips for Optimal Hydration and Health

Learn how to stay hydrated and healthy with ION8 Water bottles and these 8 hydration tips.

ION8 Tips for Optimal Hydration and Health

Learn how to stay hydrated and healthy with ION8 Water bottles and these 8 hydration tips.

Take-Your-Fitness-Routine-to-the-Next-Level-With-ION8 ION8

Take Your Fitness Routine to the Next Level Wit...

Let's dive in and explore how ION8 water bottles can elevate your fitness routine and help you achieve your goals.

Take Your Fitness Routine to the Next Level Wit...

Let's dive in and explore how ION8 water bottles can elevate your fitness routine and help you achieve your goals.

Stay-Refreshed-and-Energized-The-Importance-of-Hydration ION8

Stay Refreshed and Energized: The Importance of...

Explore the importance of hydration and how ION8 leak proof water bottles can help you stay refreshed and energized throughout the day.

Stay Refreshed and Energized: The Importance of...

Explore the importance of hydration and how ION8 leak proof water bottles can help you stay refreshed and energized throughout the day.

The Hydration Calculator

Discover how much water your body really needs

Your Data, Your Privacy – We don’t store or record any of the information you enter. This is just for you to check your hydration levels—nothing more.


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Tell us about you

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Tell us about you


Daily liquid intake

Daily Water Intake (250ml/glass)
Zero Water
Daily Coffee/Tea/Soft Drinks Intake (125ml/glass)
Zero Coffee
Daily Alcohol/Wine/Beer Intake (125ml/glass)
Zero Wine
Daily Electrolyte Drink/Milk Intake (250ml/glass)
Zero Energy Drink


Your daily hydration target
Total hydration target
(-) Estimated water from foods
Hydration target from fluids:
How much you currently drink
Water Intake
Coffee/Tea/Soft Drinks Intake (-15%)
Alcohol/Wine/Beer Intake (-40%)
Electrolyte Drink/Milk Intake (+20%)
Total daily fluid intake:
Your daily hydration gap
Hydration target from fluids
(-) Total daily fluid intake
Total gap:
Bottle sizes and refill counts for your daily hydration
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